
Showing posts from August, 2018

Brantwood fungi

August 31st 2018 Today our fungi hunt was over at  Brantwood . Brantwood, on the shores of Coniston Water, was the home of John Ruskin, one of the greatest figures of the Victorian age. John Ruskin  was a poet, an artist, a critic, a social revolutionary and a conservationist. He bought Brantwood in 1871 and set about expanding and renovating the house. He filled his home with a collection of art treasures that he had acquired on his travels , both at home and overseas. Visitors included many eminent victorians  and included Charles Darwin, Holman Hunt and Kate Greenaway. The estate is now owned by the Brantwood Trust....their policy is the keep his work and memory alive. The house and gardens are open to the public and are always a joy to visit. And coffee on the terrace in the newly re-furbished cafe is always a treat too. Here are some of the fungi to be found in the garden and surrounding woodland....

More fungi days around Coniston

Today our search took us into Yewdale Woods , up to Tarn Hows and back through Monk Coniston Woods. The conditions are just perfect for fungi and easy to long as you are willing to stray a few yards from the path and get down amongst the leaf litter. Here is what we saw today.....