Orchids and other flowers, in and around Cantobre



Situated on the western edge of the Cevennes National Park and at the junction of the Dourbie and Trevezel rivers, Cantobre is perhaps the most picturesque village in the whole of the Cevennes.
This small , old village sits on a rock high above the point where the Trezevel Gorge ends in the Dourbie valley. It is a heart-stoppingly beautiful place.

During our first 2 days there in late May 2019, we spotted at least 15 different species of orchid ......that list grew as our stay extended. However, its is not just the orchids, there are many other wildflowers to keep the amateur botanist very happy.

The paths in the immediate vicinity of the village are easy walking and very, very rewarding.

I intend to concentrate on the little loop from Cantobre, down to the Moulin on the river Dourbie. The path then winds up through some woodland to meet the road just outside the village (Walk 1)......and the loop that leads out of the village towards les Plots and then heads off to the right up into woods. The path is a good track that eventually meets the road near to les Plots (Walk 2). At that point it is possible to return to Cantobre via the road or continue along the track to St Sulpice and then return to Cantobre.

What follows is by no means a detailed description of the relevant walk....... the walks are easily found, well marked and simple to follow. 
This is unashamedly about the flowers.....with some shots of this most beautiful of villages.

Walk 1


Cantobre centre-ville

Cantobre, 12th century Church
Church detail

Church window
Echium vulgare, Vipers's Bugloss

Erinus alpinus, Fairy foxglove

Geranium pyrenaicum, Hedgerow cranesbill

Linaria vulgaris, Common Toadflax

Anacamptis morio, Green-winged orchid

Neottia ovata, Common Twayblade

Viola riviniana, Dog violet

Dactylorhiza fuchsii

Lotus penduculatus, Birdsfoot trefoil
Ophrys insectifera

Ophrys passionis
Dactylorhiza fuchsii

Catanache caerulea

Aquilegia vulgaris, Columbine

Gymnadenia conopsea

Limodore abortivum

Papaver rhoeas, Common poppy

Legousia speculum-veneris, Venus's looking glass

Armeria maritima, Thrift

Saponaria ocymoides (pink)
Linum narbonense (blue)
Himantoglossum hircium, Lizard orchid

more Lizard Orchid
Orchis purpurea

Lonicera periclymenum, Honeysuckle

L. Orchis simia
Top R. Orchis simia
Bottom L. possibly Orchis angusticruris ( O.simia x O. purpurea)
Orchis militaris

Walk 2

Hepatica nobilis

Lonicera xylosteum


Linum narbonense
Melittis melissophyllum

Ajuga genevensis

Vicia cracca
Orchis simia

Orchis mascula

Orchis purpurea

Orchis militaris

Orchis purpurea

Orchis angusticruris
O.Simia x O. purpurea

Orchis simia
Orchis hybrida
O. purpurea x O. militaris

Dactylorhiza fuchsii

Orchis ustulata

Orchis bergonii
O. simia x O. anthropophera

Orchis mascula
Cephalanthera longifolia
Ophrys araneola ( anthocyanin-lacking)
Ophrys insectifera

Ophrys araneola

Papaver rhoeas

Aquilegia vulgaris

Anacamptis morio

Top left: Ononis
Bottom left: Anagallis arvensis
Top right:Veronica austratica
Middle right: Polygonatum odoratum
Bottom right: Linaria vulgaris 

Left to Right Top : Onosma echiodes, Linum narbonense, Rosa arvensis
Left to Right Middle: Saponaria ocymoides, Melittis messilophyllum, Phyteuma orbiculare
Left to Right Bottom: Trifolium medium, Erinus alpinus, Globularia vulgaris

Orchis purpurea with Ophrys insectifera


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